>>Renate I had a cat years ago that looked almost exactly like this one. This photo brought back a lot of good memories. Well lit and composed. No way my cats would ever lay on anything furry though for some reason. Next time you catch them napping, the only thing I could suggest would be to try to catch the animal as its opening its eyes right after a nap or if you are impatient with cats as I am, do something that makes them open their eyes and see if you get the "stupid owner" look that cats are known for. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing. Even if I got the cat opening their eyes, I still might like this image better.<< Thanks, Mark, for taking the time to comment. Mykat is not sleeping on "something furry", she's a contortionist and the fur is hers. She has found this small triangle of window sill between computer monitor and houseplants and it is her favorite spot of the week. The northern exposure light is really what it's cracked up to be... soft like silk. I did annoy her with my camera long enough to get the "stupid owner" with one eye open look from her, but liked the line of the nose in this one better. Glad I brought back good memories... Renate