I want to thank everyone for their feedback, it was quite helpful. I learned
a long time ago to turn my camera off before removing the card.
Rob hit the problem on the head. The person I loaned the D100 too apparently
tried to put the CF card in backwards, one of the internal pins in the
camera was bent to one side. This caused one of the pin receptors on the
card to be slightly damaged and plugged with a piece of the surrounding
plastic wall.
When I inserted this card into my D200 the damaged pin receptor on the card
bent a pin in the D200. By looking at both cameras, I realized one pin in
the same area on both cameras had been pushed out of place. I gently put
them back into position, scary to say the least, using a magnifier, lights
and tiny tweezers.
Everything seems to be back in order, all cards a working again after
cleaning the affected areas, and I am one happy guy!
A particular person owes me a coffee._grin
Take care out there,