PF exhibit on 01/05/08

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The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated JAN 05 2008. Authors
with work now on display at: include:

             Roy Miller - Early Morning on a Snowy Bush 	
             Sherrie Taylor - Fresh Snow 	
             Dan Mitchell - Nuts 	
             Don Roberts - Ruby Throated Hummingbird
             Elson T. Elizaga - Conversation 	
             Jim Snarski - Christmas Morning 	
             Qkano - I forget

There is a question re: photos by Greg Fraser - Rose Macro, Howard Leigh -
Cloisters, Gloucester Cathedral and Don Roberts - Snow and Ivy. Last week the
site experienced loss of files and if there was not enough of a chance to view
these photographs they can be reinstalled at a future time.

To participate in these activities send your contributions early and anything
you can do to prepare the photographs so they do not require additional
adjustment would be much appreciated. Especially keeping them near 100Kb in
maximum size. Guidelines for participating in the weekly or the series
exhibits are available by following the link provided on main gallery page
given above.

From: Athena and the PF gallery staff - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

FYI- to unsubscribe from PhotoForum send email to: listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
with text "signoff PhotoForum" on first line of message body.

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