I'm not a pro myself - but I set my camera to shooting Raw and jpg at the same time and found that I almost exclusively use the raw files.
The jpg is great for the instant preview. Of course, if a picture doesn't look good on the display, I re-shoot.
Still, sometimes I correct exposure in Lightroom.
More importantly, I can work on the16 bit version of the image and only save it as an 8 bit jpg for the web once I'm done with this - and I think the difference not only shows up in the histogram.
I also have a corrected tif-image that I can later convert to any jpg standard that may come.
Concerning web standards: in my experience, jpg and gif still dominate the web, exactly because png is not a standard.
I'm not sure if current monitors would be able to faithfully render the increased colour-depth anyway (even if not taking into account that most systems are not colour managed).
2007/11/7, karl shah-jenner <shahjen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
So why my choice for jpeg? it writes quicker to the card, I can get more
on the card, and in 90% of cases I can get all the image information I need
at the time of capture. It's also, one way or another, what we end up with
(8 bit) for web viewing or printing.