: Hi Karl - thanks so much for the run down on this : program. And you think it sharpens up the images : better than photoshop?! I have an overwhelming number : of images I'm dealing with right now - sounds like : this program will really help - earlier today I had : sent the link to another friend and they stated it : looked really good and were going to try it out. : Thanks so much. : Barbara a bit more.. here's a page where you can compare (at the bottom) resizing by different programs: http://www.xs4all.nl/~bvdwolf/main/foto/down_sample/example1.htm a fellow users comments http://photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00DVrG (note that a histogram tool is present in this latest version) a little tutorial http://www.cornercottage.com.au/computing/irfanview/IrfanView-class-2.htm (it starts here: http://www.cornercottage.com.au/computing/irfanview/IrfanView-class-1.htm )