SpongeFish [ www.spongefish.com ] is a new social site for sharing
knowledge and experience in all media. We are especially focused on
photography and video. I'm inviting you to take a look at SpongeFish and
post your own work or involve your students and colleagues. SpongeFish
might make a good class project, since students find it so immediately
gratifying to see their work published and also share their experiences
and techniques.
As you can see on our site, students from one class we worked with used
photos as a form of conversation, since SpongeFish let them comment and
communicate with their classmates - and others around the world who are
coming to our site.
SpongeFish's philosophy is that all knowledge and self-expression is
highly personal, so we focus on the creation of personal profiles and
communication. Everyone gets to tag anyone's work, and our broadcast
tools enable you to post your work to Digg, Reddit, Furl, Facebook,
MySpace, Del.ici.ous, and other favorite channels that students
Just to introduce myself personally, I am David Porush, former Exec. Dir
for Learning Environments, the office responsible for new media and
online learning initiatives for all 64 campuses of the SUNY system and
formerly a professor of electronic media at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. I welcome you to contact me directly with any questions or
David Porush, Co-founder and Chairman