Alexander Georgiadis wrote:
I'm personally waiting for the EOS3D to come out. I need full frame.
The old film EOS3 is still my body of choice. I hope Canon gets the
ISO range of the new Nikon and better dynamic range in it's sensor. I
am not a sports photographer so am not interested in frames per second.
I will also keep one eye open for a pro body from Sony(/Minolta) as I
think that stabilization at sensor rather than on each lens is brilliant.
Alex Georgiadis
The Canon 5D is full frame. I don't know how the ergonomics of he bdy
compares with the EOS-3 though.
There are at least two schools of thought regarding image
stabilization. Canon and Nikon, IS and VR, say that different focal
lengths need different stabilization while Sony says the camera can do
If you have lens based IS the IS lenses can be upgraded easier since you
don't have a body that decreases in value when the new IS body is
A whole new area of discussion.......
( O O )
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I plan to live forever. So far so good...........