Brief impressions:
Morley Roberts - Train - An abstract visually appealing to me. Don't see that
color green too often. Probably a good abstract to keep for stock application.
Now to find a buyer!
Howard Leigh - Self portrait - somewhat reminds me of the lighting scheme used
by William Mortensen although quite a bit lighter than he would have printed the
image. This photograph lacks a bit of "drama" that Mortensen would have
exploited by making the tones dark. Although most of his photographs generally
were of young women and those he printed as high key ones. OTOH, I should
remember this is supposed to be a "passport" photograph and I think it meets
that objective quite well. ;)
Andrew Davidhazy - Serengeti lion - reminds me of Howard Leigh. ;)
Jim Snarski - Itsy Bitsy Spider - pretty good in my opinion for a "grab" shot so
to speak. The most interesting part for me is the way the out of focus
reflection of the spider relates to the in focus image. Interesting that the DOF
was so shallow that just the distance from the body of the critter to the silver
and back produced such a pronounced out of focus image. Must have been a thick
glass on the mirror or the spider was really tiny.