Thanks I will take a look. Rob Merchant Best Regards, Rob Merchant Digital Media Magic LLC 4512 Foxtail Drive Nazareth, PA 18064 610.759.5189 908.419.2062 mobile ~Sent from Blackberry~ -----Original Message----- From: Alexander Georgiadis <georgiadis@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:38:50 To:List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students<photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: 3D Gallery? You like 3D huh? PRESS THIS LINK: <> ( <> ) Make sure you try clicking and dragging on the picture to see the full 360 degree effect. Alex Georgiadis <> On 2/8/07, Rob Merchant <rwmerchant@xxxxxxxxxxx: <mailto:rwmerchant@xxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote: Hi, Let me introduce myself. I have been a reader of the list for quite some time and appreciate the exchange. Currently I manage creative projects for AT&T in Bedminster, NJ. There I create websites, eDemos, eInvitations, eNewsletters, video and printed marketing collateral. I also operate a photography business, shooting freelance jobs while expanding my digital photography skills. I have recently come across a dynamite product that creates 3D virtual galleries and wonder if anyone has an opinion on this or other products that work similarly? 3D gallery software <> Rob MerchantDigital Media Magic LLC4512 Foxtail DriveNazareth, PA 18064610.759.5189 office908.419.2062 mobile : <mailto:rwmerchant@xxxxxxxxxxx> mailto:rwmerchant@xxxxxxxxxxx <> ; -- Alex Georgiadis