Alexander writes: : Why is it that the programs with the catchiest names are also usually the : best? Noise Ninja for the win! I personally found neatimage better (he had some settings in the test a little 'off' imo ) - though noise ninja is easier to get good results. I also just downloaded PictureCooler to give that a go.. in his example it seems to do a very nice job! David writes: : > Except all his sample images are at ISO 100. I've never considered : > using noise reduction below ISO 400, and mostly I don't actually touch : > it until 800. So I have no idea if his conclusions have any : > applicability to my needs, and I'm quite sure that his pictures don't : > *look* anything like the pictures I need to clean up. Ah, you're a Canon user ? :) Had a friend over last night who has decided to sell her <Brand Y> Camera and move to something else. She was a happy shooter, used that brand all the way through college and then bought her own when she left .. but on the weekend she shot with a borrowed Canon for the very first time alongside her camera. She felt the Canon was getting better, less noisy results at 400 than hers did at 100. Anyway, it seems noise at 100 on one camera can be very different to 100 on another camera.. and of course then there's exposure and subject :) k