----- Original Message -----
Stephen asks:
: There wouldn't be a blown fuse that could be changed? Although, my
experience with printers would suggest getting to the fuse requires "minor
I considered this but for the printer to have tripped the house circuits
I'd guess something a little more than a heavy load on the printer was
responsible (!)
If a cap has gone or the circuit went live for any other reson, replacing
the fuse is going to cause it to happen again :/
I must have misread the original, because I thought I'd read that the printer went when something tripped the house circuits. So, when the house circuits were reset, the printer was still out. You're probably right, though, and I'm trying to revive a corpse.
BTW, Karl, have you reveiwed the program Paint.net <http://www.getpaint.net/index2.html>?
"...decide...whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying....",
and "Worry retards reaction and makes clear-cut decisions impossible." - Amelia Earhart, aviatrix.