Pini Vollach
Relax: What a perfect message for this time of the year. Very simple, but well done. I like it. It looks like a photograph that would accompany a health-related article in a magazine. Emily L. Ferguson
Last gasp of autumn: Great composition and framing. I read a quotation once - I cant fine who the author was, now - about leaves possessing their most brilliant color before they fall to the ground and die. This photograph makes me think of that quotation. Guy Glorieux
Image Cathedral at Les Baux: A fascinating photograph and the cathedral sounds like an amazing place. I'd love to see it in person. The photograph itself looks like a painting, which I think adds to the aura of mystery the cathedral. Great photograph. Renate Volz
Mykat Watching Fall: I think this cat is doing more than watching. By the _expression_ on his/her face, it looks much more like it is orchestrating fall. A beautiful cat and an intriguing photograph. Thank you to all who contributed to the show and
thank you, Andy and staff, for hanging the exhibit.