Unfortunately most of those engineers should be in the verge of retirement.... and there is not enough engineers to replace them in the US, but there is plenty in Asia.
On the immediate sude, many interesting things came out of the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo + the russian space race.
More than anything due to all the "side" projects needed to enable the technology.
- Rubber blow molded shoes
- Integrated circuits
- Polymers
- Scratch resistant lenses
- Double heterodine laser -> CD players
- Water and air treatment systems
- Plus a lot of management methods for technology
On 11/19/06, Herschel Mair <herschelmair@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Actually shooting pics was quite a simple business on the moon.
I forget now.... did "Mankind" get anything usefull out of Apollo besides
--- Qkano < wildimages@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I tell my students never to judge a photograph by how much work went into
> > making it.
> Hershell
> Getting the photos from the first moon landings involved quite a lot of work
> (not to say expense for the US taxpayer). Technically
> you could obtain better looking shots in the studio (remember Capricorn
> One?).
> I understand what you are trying to get across - but also think there is a
> balance.
> Bob
Herschel Mair
Head of the Department of Photography,
Higher College of Technology
Sultanate of Oman
Adobe Certified instructor
+ (986) 99899 673
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