I have also used it, when a client wanted a huge photo restored, which didn't fit on my scanner in one piece. I scanned it in overlapping pieces, opened all in PS and voila, the program did all the matching.
So don't give up on PS, it might come in handy.
On 8/30/06, Roger Eichhorn <eichhorn@xxxxxx> wrote:
I have downloaded Hugin for OSX and the results are much worse than
photo shop. But, perhaps I haven't figured out how to use its
complex interface.
Roger Eichhorn
On 29 Aug 2006, at 09:52, karl shah-jenner wrote:
> http://hugin.sourceforge.net/
> hugin - Panorama Tools GUI
> Goal: an easy to use cross-platform GUI for Panorama Tools.
> "With hugin you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete
> immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much
> more"
> "hugin version 0.6.1 is the current stable version, it can be
> downloaded
> for Linux, OS X and Windows"
> "hugin has been localised with English, Russian, French, Polish,
> Japanese,
> German, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Catalan, Hungarian and
> Italian translations"
> k