Charles wrote: Nice shot, I like the movement effect. Good. I think it would be better if you were right in front of the group but I think it was impossible them. Per wrote: The charming slight (?) jumble of a group of amateur dancers, this time spiced with a pro doing "the real thing". The enormous "flying shoe" on the extreme right is a funny touch. The background is a little busy, but I don´t see what you could have done about that. I didn't write much by explanation because if not careful it can come over like making excuses. Charles was right: I would not have been welcome centrally because I would have obstructed the mirror. It's not a "professional job" or staged in any way just a snapshooter's attempt to record some of the energy of as week that left me without any :o) The background is what was there (excuses excuses) and everything happens so fast and unscripted (as I'm sure anyone who shoots live action will know). Two of the people in the group(besides the choreographer) were working professionals and picked up the routine very quickly. I got there in the end but never, somehow, as elegantly! Oh, Jazz trainers do look rather clumpy on a wee gal. Thanks for the comments. Bob