The standard work experience for most people before the K-12 kids got computers was to learn on your own on the job.
I think the tutorial's that come with the programs and "Idiot's Guide" books are plenty good for learning anything assuming you put the new skills to work immediately. I wish my darn digicams came with tutorial CD's.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ÈÝìá: RE: Learning how to use a computer - a bit of a
From: Kostas Papakotas <clenchedteethphotography@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, July 26, 2006 5:49 pm
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
well I am self taught not forget Photoshop'a own...Mr russell Brown.there are hords of videos there.. and they are real eye-openers.and if you like them i have saved all the older ones from the PS7 days...enjoy the trip, kostasI'm entirely self taught - that is, once somebody had showed me how to switch
it on ...
Office automation, Photoshop, HTML, _javascript_, Visual Basic, Fortran, C
... never been on a course but read a lot of stuff (books and on line) and
never miss the chance to talk to someone who really knows :o)
These days pretty much all you need to get you started is on-line ... and
the fact you are here proves you can already use the internet.
No matter what, CHEER UP MY FRIENDS! Life is too precious to jump the other side of the fence...
kostas papakotas / clenched teeth photography
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