: Another question Karl. The reason I've been looking at Powerpoint is : because people I am working with on projects send and receive artwork : through Powerpoint. : : If I download Open Office and use it, can I send and receive materials to : PowerPoint users if I have Open Office and they don't? you sure can - thats where the compatibility comes into play, Openoffice, Star office and other strive to attain an integration to the MS products and they achieve it very well, some better than others, OpenOffice probably the best - there are some minor inconsistencies but you'll only strike them should you do some really high end exotic presentations, and 99% of users find the two programs, MS powerpoint and OO's 'Impress' mesh 100%. If you were to send it to someone who had neither program, of course they won't be able to do much with it, but free small powerpoint viewers are available, for example: http://www.devhood.com/tools/tool_details.aspx?tool_id=116 (2.7Mb) or Powerpoint viewer 4.0 http://www.tucows.com/preview/206534 (380Kb) If you were to send a presentation to anyone via email you could also include this link for them to download the viewer, or if you sent it on a CD you could include the viewer on the CD for them. k