Gary Perdue - Nice shot of the araras (it's the name of these birds here in Brazil ... arara). I like the vertical composition. Nice moment you captured. I thing the image need some sharpening work and a little bit more constrast and color saturation.
Jim Snarski - Interesting shot. Nice composition and good background. I just don't like the light, it's too harsh.
Per Ofverbeck - I hope this dog plays soccer fair than Zidane in the Soccer World Cup finals (he hit this head
violently on the chest of an adversary player after a discussion). Nice shot. I like the grass background. I just miss to see the dog's eye. I think a fill in flash here would be nice.
Emily L. Ferguson - Humm, interesting approuch for the scene. I like the colored towel side by side the white wood stairs but I think a wide angle lens would be better in showing a little more the sorrounding in order to allow the viewer to interprets better the image.