I took the kids to the circus last night and I wanted to test some low light hand held photography. I brought with me my old Tamron 80-200 zoom which is about 8" long. I was soon approached by a security guard who asked me 'Is that a long lens?' 'Not to me,' I replied. I was informed that any lens longer than her thumb was considered a professional lens and I was not allowed to use it. I laughed in her face. My Rebel and my eBay 20 year old Tamron! With 6 kids watching the show I decided to let it go thinking she would find someone else more rewarding to harass but everytime I turned around she was right there. Next time I'll print up a 'Circus News' press pass and get a better shooting position. Of course I'll have to bring my collapsable Kodak flash bulb holder to really impress them. Greg