I have a "Wacom" tablet - depending on the size they are 40 - 200 €.
I didn't buy it for signing things though - it's a really helpfull tool when working on photos in Paintshop Pro (well, I guess Photoshop would do as well;-) ).
2006/6/6, Bob <w8imo@xxxxxxxx>:
Laurenz Bobke wrote:
> You can easily sign using a pen tablet. I'd be very reluctant though
> to put my full signature on the net.
> Here's my first name captured using this technique:
> http://www.travel-photographer.eu/
> Laurenz
Looks good, but what is the cost?
( O O )
--------------------oOOO-----O----OOOo-----73 de w8imo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Curiosity killed the cat although I was a suspect for a while........