but then this begets the question... is photography art?
this certainly does not answer what is photography... it only dwells onto
the properties of what constitute art... you can go through plotinus, plato,
st augustine and st thomas aquinos... you will ultimately find that art is
the economics of excess... but then that is a whole other can of worms...
if you are interested in the spirit of form... read ananda cooramaswamy's
translation of "ching hao's : pi fa chi" a tang dynastry treatise of what
constitutes painting...
or you can read... Roland Barthes, clement greenberg(i know people hate him
but without him, american expressionism would not have emerged), John
Baldessari, Erwin Panofsky, Jean O Baudrillard, umberto eco and many more :)
Aristotle said all art imitates action.
"Not physical activity, but the movement-of-spirit."
By imitation he meant the, ". . . representation of the countless forms
which the life of the human spirit may take." (I'm taking all this from
Aristotle's Poetics.)
Aristotle continued:
The arts may be distinguished in three ways.
Object imitated, or the particular action recorded.
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