karl shah-jenner wrote:
From: "Bob Talbot"
S*bj*ct: Re: Bulk Photoshop
Bill Ellis asks:
: > Is there a way to reduce the file size of say 200 images in one
: > operation. I want to use these images on a webpage. I'm using
: Photoshop
: > Elements.
: Freeware:
: - Batch Thumbs
: - Irfanview
: Or do it the hard way and use PhotoShop :o)
Batch resizing instructions for Faststone image resizer and Irfanview, as
well as PSCS were variously provided on and around the 20th of Feb here on
If you'd be prepared to play guinea-pig Bill (as a non-irfanview convert)
and try the various methods, I'd love to hear your feedback on using the
different programs re speed and ease of use :-)
Please bear in mind that, especially in the graphics field, a lot of
people still use the Macs. If you have a question, or a an answer, try
to be a little more OS specific. No one wants to waste time going to
web sites and downloading software which won't work on their machine.
And quite a few sites, and people, take it for granted that you are
using Windows so don't bother with system requirements. In all cases,
the more information one provides with their question the more useful
the answers will be.
Don, adamant Apple user since the Apple II came out many years ago.
The art of living lies in a fine mingling of holding on and letting go.-- Havelock Ellis