Yes. I'm currently looking at the gallery on a 14" iBook. Two of
the pictures are 800 pixels in the vertical dimension and I can't see
the whole frame without scrolling. I could download them and look
that way or use another browser which resizes larger pictures to fit,
but I don't think that should be necessary. 800 pixels is fine in
the horizontal but not acceptable in the vertical on this laptop.
On Feb 5, 2006, at 9:38 AM, Emily L. Ferguson wrote:
Before I begin the review, I'd like to make a request. Please make
your submission no more than 4"x6" x 72 dpi. When it's necessary
to scroll down a window on a 17" monitor to see the entire image,
after adjusting the window size to the monitor, the image is too
long vertically for the gallery.