Do you have any information on this 'other company?'
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pablo Coronel" <pcorone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students"
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: Rodinal storage life?
Rodinal will keep for a long time.
In the old glass bottles, it would last forever but I think the new
plastic bottles, if kept in a cool/dry/dark place, Rodinal should easily
last for about 10 yrs.
However, if you are not sure just test a piece of leader in the working
solution before filling your tank. A piece of leader should turn black in
1/5th the time you planned to develop.
PS. don;t sweat too much about it, there is already a company lined up to
fomrulate Rodinal again.
hi all!
with Agfa dropping the commercial & proffesional film & materials line
entirely, I made a half-day long excursion to photo stores to assemble a
stock that will keep me going for 3-5 years more.
Among others i have purchased 2 bottles of Rodinal, that i believe it is
of late manufacture.
So i have two questions for the film users (now old-timers) of the group.
Where is the date of manufacture located on the 0.5 lit bottle & box?
There is something on the lip of the lid but I can not read anykind of
date in this coding
How long can Rodinal be expected to last when kept in the fridge? (talking
about sealed bottles)
I have been told that under proper conditions a lifetime of 2 years is
expected, but from another source I have been told that Rodinal have been
observed to be good even after 15 years!!!
Coming from the considerable group commulative experience, what should i
bet on?
Many thanks, "the times a' changing"
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Pablo Coronel R. Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Food Science
North Carolina State University
Room 14B Schaub Hall, Box 7624
Raleigh, NC, 27695
Phone (919) 513-8077
Fax (919) 515-7124
e-Fax (419) 818-7590
e-mail pcorone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx