Hi Andy, If you would be referring to the automobile traffic in Montreal (Quebec), you'd be right on: it's come to a standstill after a few inches of the most beautiful fluffy white snow fell from heaven. But the snow banks weren't high enough to prevent the email-person from delivering your posting to my computer! The email must get through... Happy winter! Guy Glorieux > > De: ADavidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> > Date: 2005/12/09 ven. AM 07:59:24 GMT-05:00 > À: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students > <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Cc: andpph@xxxxxxx > Objet: Checking list status - seems broken! > > Traffic seems to have come to a standstill. > This is a test message to see if it makes it > out of RIT. Thanks for your patience. > > Andrew Davidhazy, andpph@xxxxxxx > for PhotoForum on the Internet >