----- Original Message ----- From: "Srinivasa : Lately I ve been doing lot of wedding photography and : I would like to shoot some pictures inside the church : with Kodak 3200. I am also going to shoot some : portraits with that film with available light inside : the church. I would like to know what type filter : should I be using inorder to get a good contrast in : the pictures. Or should I not use any filters at all ? it depends on the light source and the spectral sensitivity of the film you're using.. after all if you filter out the light of the wavelength that is the main source of illumination then the film speed drops considerably and you may only be using undesrirable coloured light to form the image here's the Tmax 100 sensitivity curve: <http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/support/techPubs/f4016/f002_05 47ac.gif> and I understand the sensitivity of the 3200 is the same. now on this curve you'll see the film is as you'd expect, most strongly blue sensitive, so using a yellow filter will eliminate this light and your film speed will lose at least a stop - but then again, you may only have tunsten illumination in which case there's not alot of blue light anyway, so a yellow filter might be effectively redundant - you'd have lost at least a stop by shooting under tungsten .. Filtering the red light out under tungsten by using say a cyan filter wold probably drop the sensitivity a HEAP. it really depends on the lighting.. k