I was wondering if there were plans for a Christmas / Holiday greeting
card gallery similar to what was done last year -- I very much enjoyed
the exercise last year, and would love to do it again.
Since there is a modicum of interest (1 person!) I guess that is reason
enough to launch the project again this year. To participate send your
year end greetings card to: RITphoto@xxxxxxx with the word GREETING in the
Subject line and any additional text you want to provide in the body of
the message and attach your digital card. Try to keep cards to a maximum
length of 600 pixels and a file (jpeg compressed) size of 50K or so.
Once a fair number of cards have been received they will be installed on
a webpage on a rolling basis until the end of the year for all to enjoy.
cheers, Andrew Davidhazy, andpph@xxxxxxx - PhotoForum on the Internet