Well, I live in Sweden, and shoot a lot in our winter too, sometimes
carrying the camera unprotected for hours in temperatures down to -15
to -20 deg Celsius (a few times down to -35 deg C, but then not for
hours...). I´ve done this since the seventies with quite a few
different cameras.
Well, I can recall only one camera that gave me problems, and that
was a purely mechanical Rollei SL66 (MF SLR) that froze solid every
time it was used below 0 deg C. Everything else, mechanical or
electronic, silver or digital, has worked without a hitch; cannot
remember losing one single frame because of the cold (except where my
hands got too numb).
The only two things I am careful with when shooting winter are:
1) Fresh (or freshly charged) batteries in camera, spare batteries in
an inner pocket (seldom needed, actually).
2) Wrap the gear in plastic bags and/or closed, insulated camera bags
BEFORE going indoors (even a car), and do not for any reason
whatsoever open this protection until it has been indoors for at
least two hours. If you want pics from lunch breaks in cabins, carry
a compact in a warm inner pocket and use it indoors only.
I wouldn´t leave any camera gear in the car; wrap it as described and
take it with you (unless you are dead certain no one will come around
and break into the car).
Per Öfverbeck
"In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows or Gates?"
21 nov 2005 kl. 17.55 skrev Sherrie Taylor:
For some reason Yahoo put this list under bulks email category, so I
have to goes on-line to move all to my in-box. I plan to bring both my
35 SLR and digital cameras along in a next month and half to take
and holiday pictures. I was wonder how cold camera should handle,
Michigan temperature is freezing right now. Do I keep camera in my
or bring them along when I go in door?
Sherrie Taylor <sataylor1246@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>