I swear by my calcuflash (and they can be re-calibrated.) I have worked solidly with mine for about 20 years. Other meters have come and gone but this little meter keeps giving me the exposures I need. I cut my polaroid consumption by 90% shortly after I bought it.
rebphoto <rebphoto@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
rebphoto <rebphoto@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Gang................
I was thinking buying a used Minolta Flash Meter III or IV.
(My Calcu-Flash S is not accurate any more)
Anyone have any info I might want to know about.
I do understand these meters are on the older side
but I have read that they are accurate and built well.
Would a more modern meter have any improvements
I would need for a basic studio meter?
R.E. Baker
Feed a Cat...
Starve a Fever........
Herschel Mair
Head of the Department of Photography,
Head of the Department of Photography,
Higher College of Technology
Sultanate of Oman
Sultanate of Oman
Adobe Certified instructor
+ (986) 99899 673
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