well many thanks to Lea for asking and the rest of the group for replying...was about to ask myself... So tyhis time we HAVE killed to minilab operators wiht the same file.... enjoy, kostas _____________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.mailbox.gr ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. http://www.superweb.gr ÏéêïíïìéêÜ êáé áîéüðéóôá ðáêÝôá web hosting ìå áóöáëÝò Åëëçíéêü controlpanel http://www.domains.gr Ôï üíïìÜ óáò óôï internet ìüíï ìå 10 Åõñþ.