Very interesting website you just gave me. I'm quite surprised at how much attention and concern is given to gravestones by some groups. There is even -- the website shows -- an invitation to submit photos of gravestones.
Don Roberts <droberts@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Don Roberts <droberts@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Elson, just looking at your thumbnails, my only comment is that your
lens is fine for the job. The lighting is what is important. You
have to be able to read the inscriptions for the stone to be
documented sufficiently for historical/genealogical purposes. You
may have to return at different times of day for different stones.
You may not be aware that there are a large number of sites devoted
to this. Google the subject and check some out. Also this site
is a lead in to a large project of documenting grave stones just as
you are doing. You may want to look into it.
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