----- Original Message ----- From: "trevor cunningham : oh, and the native american crack, don't dare let yourself get the impression the british were at all kind in comparison to their treatment of the native population...i'm certain the enslaved africans would have been returned to the mother land for a variety of other colonial tasks had things gone your way nah, NO one was ever kind as an invading race/culture. I understand 70% of the US internal trade revolved around negro slayery at the time of Abe Lincoln (who owned a few hisself so I'm told). But I also hear that even though the Brits were as vile as anyone else, they eventally recognised many of the Amerind tribal locations as sovereign nations. >...besides, didn't you guys invent civilization or something? Not our lot.. Our state premier got shirty with us after the Australia Day brawls, supposed loutish behaviour and binge drinking. He called it 'UnAustralian'. I thought - what - it's Australia day, we celebrate Australian culture! What could be any MORE australian that getting pissed and beating up people? no, Aus will take a while to civilise.. As an aside, the Indians (of India) are currently going through a bit of a reflective stage re the British colonialisation of their country. The movie "Fire" is a good example from an Indian perspective. I also understand the white slave traders purchased their negro slaves from indegenous African slavers. Were African slaves used elsewhere in the world? This I don't know.. The Indians shipped to Africa by the Brits to build the infrastructure were in indentured servitude (much like the white slave trade going on today, though they were paid) - my wifes family is of that origin. Having fled African hostilities and violence where many of them were murdered, most have chosen countries like Australia, Canada, Britain and America to settle. None went back to India. k