Since you found them, and probably don;t even know what is ther eI'd
sacrifice 1 roll for testing.
Develop as normal in D76 and decide whter to push/pull from there.
The old HP5 used to be a nice film, and it'll probably yield decent images.
William B. Ellis wrote:
Hi all,
I found several rolls of HP5 in my darkroom that I think are 10 to 15
years old. The film has been exposed. What would the list suggest for
development times. I use D-76, but will use others if they would make
this task easier..
Bill Ellis
Pablo Coronel R. Ph.D. Research Associate Department of Food Science
North Carolina State University Room 14B Schaub Hall, Box 7624 Raleigh,
NC, 27695 Phone (919) 513-8077 Fax (919) 515-7124 e-Fax (419) 818-7590
e-mail pcorone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx