> Who is honest and who is the criminal? A matter of viewpoint. > Some might regard what the government is doing as criminal. > I took many "Illegal" photographs Herschell was an insurgent!!!! Herschell was an insurgent!!!! Herschell was an insurgent!!!! :o) Were you conciously taking the pictures knowing you were near a police station or was it just an unavoidable fact of life? Were you dressed like a biker? Photographs are very powerful at influencing public opinion in a way no amount of sworn testimony can do. 100,000 nameless faceless gooks are easily forgotten but who will forget the girl running from the naplam, or the picture of the hooded man stood on a box. Some images are embedded on the brain for ever. Is it any wonder governments should try to control them? Bob The founding fathers or a group of terrorists? It depended on who won.