On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 04:59:43 -0600, Bob Maxey <written_by@xxxxxxx> wrote/replied to: >>>>Bob please tell me who voted for the Patriot Act?>>> > >Lots of people. The US Congress, for example. FYI: Assistant Attorney General Dinh and Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff were the primary authors of the act. Have you read all 350 plus pages? Sorry, but unfortunately, even the Congress didn't actually have time to read it before it was passed. Or should I say whisked through into law. Check out Fahrenheit 911 the movie by Micheal Moore. Scarey stuff. I certainly haven't read it and don't intend to. For one thing I'm not American. -- Jim Davis, Owner, Eastern Beaver Company: http://easternbeaver.com/ Motorcycle Relay Kits - Powerlet, Posi-Lock I'm a BMW rider and enthusiast.