I’ll tell you a tale about this estate. Well, firstly it is where a friend, Richard (an unknown but gifted composer) lives. But I was in contact with the authorities regarding a person carrying a suspicious bag towards my local side line station when the lady, who confessed her terrible mistake, asked “Do you know where the * estate is?” I said “do you mean that one near *” … “Go on” she said. “Well” I said, “Its near * Station, just across the road turn right….”. “Oh, I see it now it’s on the Map”, “We did not know it the Post office don’t list it”, “Oh they just got him on the scanner…. they’ve got him on the main Station”.
“You will always live with that mistake, but we all understand, a suicide bomber is a terrible enemy”.
Well that day they caught some terrorists before they did any damage and used a taser on our local main line station.
I heard later that the authorities raided the estate and caught a flat full of activists with some chemicals.
Chris, in fear. Question: What happens to me when I die? Christopher Strevens