>Use an off-white subject with fine texture. Like a bath sheet, taped up on the wall. >Set up a digital camera on a tripod about a meter away and take a reading off the towel. Herschel, you cannot believe how close you came to my case: Marilyn and NadeakaRenate asked why I need to do this. The reason is that I am preparing a comparison review of tactical flashlights and their output/beams/throw, and I screw up exposure in a one case of. (the process involved shooting the beams on a "squares on white test target" from 4 feet away). It is not possible to take the shots again,but my estimates are telling me raise exposure 1 stop for that problematic case, so this is what I HAVE done. you see I tried 3 methods...Using the Powerretouche Exposure Plugin demo, moving the cursor at the levels window (lower bar) 16 units to the right, and the method Dean suggested (duplicate the layer in PS,change the layer blend mode to screen, and adjust the opacity to 33%). The first two gave almost identical results so I think I have solved my problem thanks all for your considerations, kostas _____________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.mailbox.gr ÁðïêôÞóôå äùñåÜí ôï ìïíáäéêü óáò e-mail. http://www.thesuperweb.gr Website ìå ÁóöáëÝò Controlpanel áðü 6 Euro êáé äþñï ôï domain óáò!