Of course it is Microsloth at large again...
There was quite a lot of discussion on photo sites some time ago
about that IE refused to even show properly profiled jpeg´s. Since
profiling is provided for in the jpeg standard, this was just another
case of the "standard is what WE do" attitude of Bill´s overgrown
baby. Microsoft simply told people to strip all profiles from their
web pictures....
My Mac´s Safari browser shows Gregory´s image exactly the way it is
displayed when opened in Photoshop; that´s par for the course with a
Per Öfverbeck
"In a world without walls or fences, who needs Windows or Gates"
21 aug 2005 kl. 21.13 skrev ADavidhazy:
Gregory David Stempel - A Dark Tree
On opening this shot is trying to tell my Browser it's in NIKON
Adobe sadly my Browser can't handle that.
Interesting. Does this mean that not all jpegs can be opened by all
PF HQ does not adjust incoming images unless they are too large and
then after
size adjustment sometimes images are sharpened a bit and then saved
for web -
done on PS 5.5 or 6.0. All thumbails are made this way.
Need we be on the lookout for tell-tale signs of formatting that
will cause
problems to viewers?