I'm a first time writer, not that anyone cares but.just thought I'd mention that..
anyway...I have been shooting glamour for about 5 years professionally. I use 3 White Lightning Ultra Zap 800 units. They are pretty reasonably priced compared to other better makes out there and what really is awesome is the customer service. It is second to none.
I have had the 3 lights for about 3 years and I use them 5 times a week minimum, sometimes for 8 hours a day and I have had just one problem which the company fixed in no time, like I sent it to the factory (nashville-that's the other thing I like, they are made here in the USA) I had my light back in my hands within 3 days. (The problem I had was that I let an inexperienced assistant attach a soft box to the speed ring and they managed to short it out-so it wasn't really a problem with the light) They fixed it no charge.
The Ultra Zaps are being phased out but you can still get them.They are about $300 apiece. You have to buy stands and soft boxes, umbrellas, reflectors etc., (I use Photoflex and their speedrings) but you have to do that anyway.( I do not believe that White Lightnings come in a kit.) They have a sliding totally adjustable output for the flash and the modeling lights as well. For my money it's the best thing out there and they are virtually indestructable. I use them in the studio and on location shoots and they get handled a lot and we are not gentle with the equipment.
Good luck with whatever you get but I strongly recommend that you take a look at the Paul C Buff web site(White Lightning is the brand name, they also make these Alien Bees but I think those are a bit lightweight) and check out his stuff last. Again, the best thing about it, price, quality and the factory warranty and the service, if you ever need it.
All the best,
Paul (not Buff) Kamira