RE: UK blasts

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It?s a Madhouse here.  Who's round the next corner who's that man coming
through the door, is that loose bit of brown paper in the waste bin going to
explode.  Is the next one going to be a nuclear blast?  Is that nice young
man with the backpack going to detonate?

Am I going to wake up suddenly in prison to have my brain cut out?

Is America also a land of tame servants automatically obeying instructions?
If you trysts with the boss will he jam a knife in your brain? I've heard a
couple of those, the resulting idiot is not able to work properly and so
looses his job and dies.

In the next church service where the priests make false promises of a dream
palace in the sky, will El Quedar burst in a kill the impostor?

Well things are getting pretty ropy.

My pretty Maia, who wanted to give me life was kidnapped and brutally
leucotomised on TV as a spectacular, she had done no wrong and had business
plans and was making much money as an industrialist. She had no self
generated movement she only walked where she was tugged.

I think she quietly died of starvation and thirst in a pleasant woodland
glade as she had no brain to save her life.  Better than being a dancing
monkey on the stage.

Who did this?  The Christians! Her crime? To find life on Mars (or so she

Well the world has become an evil place the devil rules. The Christian
church will prevail and education will only be the Bible and no science or
space science will be taught.  All that knowledge found over the last two
hundred will be lost, the exploration of Mars will be forgotten and the
landing on the Moon a distant legend.

We will run out of fuel, I don't know when, perhaps 5 years will see it out
and then there will be no space exploration, no nothing.

Well Maia's discovery of Life on Mars, confirmed by Levin and suspected by
myself, has been destroyed.  Her killer says he has saved the world from the
knowledge of life on Mars.

The better world we dreamed of all destroyed and, well, within a lifetime a
return to the old world agrarian economy and the only authority being the
church of the imaginary but powerful god.

I'm sad.  The El Quedar rebellion is in vain and they are no better than the
others, nothing can prevail against the Christian he is victorious.

Why has this happened, what force has been deployed to kill the world, where
has it come from who is behind it.

Well, if you can't beat them, join them.  Perhaps I'll be a slave!

There is of course, no life on Mars, No ET, and Jesus is God. Allah is great
and Hail Mary 3 times, I don't know any others.

I cannot take any photographs now I might be thought of as, well any old
terrorist, to go up to London, well take your passport and take care of the
police with their machine guns, the terrorists are not so obvious.

And of course I have to work for a tangible reward even if it only a silly
shiny bit of stone that women jangle about.

I have a super accurate radio controlled watch someone suggested I got a
shiny gold one? Well why by a gold watch for £1500 when my £15 plastic one
tells better time and is much better.

Perhaps I should go out and by an impressionist painting - original for
£40,000 well I have no interest in these coloured bits of paper but if I
want a simple painting I'll knock up a messy one myself, it's no good, but I
did it and it only cost 0.20p.

Of if I want music, well I can go out and buy a shiny disk, well, OK but
then I've heard it all before.

I get pleasure out of the little noisy jangles I put up on the music program
and keyboard myself no one else wants them but its fun.

The architect of the west, a psychiatrist who studied human behaviour, and
found the technique of maintaining an ever circulating capitalist system has
made a system where no one creates, no one is free.  If the try to be they
can be murdered or brain damaged.

These brain stabbings and killings are regarded as great victories for our
Western slave empire.

Although it is rich and powerful empire no free men exist, it is hell now
and it won't go away.

Well it will be me next.

Well, a man earning £10,000 a week as a free business man can be transformed
into a worker at £80 a week in one simple operation.  And there has been no
successful prosecution.  The people who carry out these assassinations say
they are a success story.  Well not their victims.

A better way to treat the sick should be found, and really none of these
victims were sick.

Well the west is not a democracy although there is a charade of it, anyone
who wants to do there own thing is brutally suppressed. It is in this
country, here, in factories, beatings by bosses are regular and the
leucotomy is used on trouble makers. Hypnosis is used to enslave people.  On
one slave camp the slaves revolted and killed their oppressors.  All the
rebels were ruthlessly leucotomies.

I understand there is a party trick where a girl is hypnotised and then
luecotomised and is then forever every ones naked sex slave.

I have been given a demonstration and the girl was randomly selected as an
unknowing volunteer and afterwards was an unconscious automatatic slave.  It
is a casual murder.

The insane leader, I think his name is Hyneck, who lives in a palace in the
USA with his private army to protect him wants every one in non executive
jobs to receive this death sentence on condition of employment.

It appears we are fast become a more sophisticated NAZI state than the most
advanced NAZI's ever dreamed of.

I just wonder when the brain dead lovely lady automatic slaves will become
on sale to the general public.

Why did we ever trouble to fight the second world war.  They won anyway.

It is of course much better to have a normal undamaged intelligent slave as
your faithful servant.  It is trivially simple to train a young person to be
an obedient slave without any hypnosis or brain surgery.

And in fact in ancient Greece and Rome were trained with kindness, as a
horse is trained.  Very unpleasant and criminal for the victim however the
result is a loyal slave with full ability.

These training and brain damaging treatments are supposed to create
successful person but reality the victim is so brain dead that the are
unable to carry out normal tasks.

The theory is that the higher mental process are not needed for the usual
tasks and so these regions can be cut off and the resulting preparation can
be trained as a robot.

However although those with minor damage are conscious and can decide to
move themselves (that is the criteria for conscious), the emphasis on decide
as it is possible that actual movements are prevented by cutting the fibres.
Those can talk and lead normal lives.

Nowadays the victims are unable to talk or move voluntarily but can be
trained to obey instructions and simple repetitive tasks.  Those victims are
not conscious. It's really a death sentence.

I'm telling you all this because in Faluga some Christian missionaries went
to teach the gospel to the people and with them went medical staff.  One of
the young men was examined and decided he needed a leucotomy because he
believed in life on Mars and generally like other young men in Iraq.
However the parents found he was stupid after being high quality material
that the father shot and killed the doctor.

That is how that battle started.

It does occur that the willingness of Christians to go forth and preach the
gospel in a fearless and brave way is a lot of the cause of much fighting
and perhaps the reason for the El Qudar attacks.

Well the Christians win there are far more of them.

Was it so bad in the old evil USSR?


Question: What happens to me when I die?
Response: What happens to a cat when it dies?
Answer: You throw it away.
Response and answer: You are a clever cat!

God's Anathema

:> -----Original Message-----
:> From: owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-
:> photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Qkano
:> Sent: 09 July 2005 18:44
:> To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
:> Subject: Re: UK blasts
:> Hello, London Calling!
:> <<I knew at least 6 young men who in 1999, talked openly of Bin
:> Lardin, known
:> affectionately and worshipfully as "Bin".  They obtained Afgan
:> Passports (I
:> know because I took their photographs). I did not know at the time but
:> they
:> wanted their portrait with a background of Afganistan.  One had no
:> picture
:> of their "home" in Afganistan so I found one in a book in the local
:> library.
:> I understand they needed to convince the Talisban that they were born
:> in
:> that country to qualify for a passport.
:> I understand the group of them went on a summer holiday job as
:> fighters for
:> the Talisban who were at war with Russia at the time. >>
:> Chris
:> I think you have revealed how the terrorists are able to keep their
:> on-line communications active but still secret in the internet world.
:> Bin Lardin (sic)
:> Afgan (sic)
:> Talisban (sic)
:> Change one letter and google is b*ggered!   No need for PGP
:> encryption.  No amount of automatic email surveillance will work
:> unless you use the exact match.
:> Bob
:> PS:  I have to ask.
:> Have you completely fallen off your trolley or are ye the new god of
:> "black comedy"?
:> PPS:

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