PLEE...EZE go to my web site below, read the "About Me" text! Does
that sound like I´m likely to "gripe and snipe" about digital? In
fact, I sold almost all my silver gear over two years ago; currently I
use the Leica Digilux 2 exclusively (that web site isn´t quite up to
date about my latest swap, but I sold the D60 to buy the D2).
It may warm your Scots heart a little to hear I´m writing this on a
Mac... ;-) (a peaty malt isn´t too far away from my weary corpse
Per Öfverbeck
2005-05-30 kl. 15.00 skrev margaret lucas:
okay, sorry to centre you out per, you seem like a decent fellow, but
why are all you guys being such dick'eads about digital? would you
like to trudge down to the end of your driveway, slog back through 6
feet of snow with your letters, read 'em, compose answers, find
stamps, lick 'em, stick 'em, drag your weary corpse through the snow
to the post box, wait weeks for replies, and so on and so on.'re all fickin' aboot on teh intarweb and griping and
sniping about digital...? gimme a break...
maggie (thick as a brick) lucas