This link explains that CCDs are IR-sensitive, and discusses how and why the IR component is filtered out.
David Foy
Achal Pashine wrote:
You could try Fred Miranda's digital IR plug-in.
Many other optical filters (such as warming filter) are replicated in PS CS2 (may be in CS as well).
For b/w filters with digital images, again, try using Fred Miranda's BW worlflow pro:
But as Bob said, it is possible to get all these effects without buying any canned plugins. you just need to do little bit of tweaking on your own.
As Trevor said, some digital cameras have been reported to still see IR spectrum, just like regular camera. try to google ["IR photography" "canon 10D"]. see e.g. (I don't know this person, I just googled and this came out).
hope this helps,
On 5/24/05, *Joseph Chamberlain, DDS* <drjchamberlain@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:drjchamberlain@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear listers:
I am interested in finding out if there is any way to obtain with digital cameras the effects obtained with film camera when using (1) polarizer filters and (2) infra-red film.
Is there any filter, special effect or third party plug-in for Photoshop that can enhance an image in a way that it resembles the action of a polarizer filter ?
What about infra-red film photography ? Is the some kind of special filter of plug-in for Photoshop that can resemble the effect obtained when shooting with infra-red film ?
Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions.
Best regards,
-- Dr. Joseph Chamberlain, D.D.S. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
-- Achal Pashine