I experienced an unusual situation in college that may put the argument into perspective. I took a class called Economics of the Arts. Since I was a Business and Chemistry major I found the degree to which members of each branch of the arts snubbed their noses at the other (The class was composed of equal numbers of Business and Art students). Music majors looked down on fine art majors. Painter looked down on Illustrators and nearly all looked down on photogtraphy majors. Chemistry majors consider the only true art to be science and Business majors consider it all a waste of time if there is no money in it.
I think the bottom line is (That is the business major in me speaking) that if you find a creative venue that you enjoy then it is art and damn anyone else's opinion.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn <marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, 21 May 2005 08:19:51 -0700
Subject: I thought this was interesting
I'd like to hear what PF members think about the thoughts expressed on this page.
Leave gentle fingerprints on the
soul of another for the angels to read.
Leave gentle fingerprints on the
soul of another for the angels to read.