Marilyn, Thinking about photography and its purposes is interesting to me right now. Doors have opened, avenues have been travelled, but best of all.... people have been helped with the image that lies ahead of the lens. I believe most of us may simply journal with our photography, it all comes down to that for me. Have just purchased a second 4x5 enlarger with a ton of 'goodies' that I could not have ever dreamed of owning 25 years ago (or even a month ago).. Todays pocessess are lacking the meditative pleasures of the traditional darkroom for me, am looking forward to back tracking.....cannot wait to touch the fragile paper and place it within the hard blades of the easel. Bobbie ------------------ """""Message: 1 Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 18:07:04 -0700 From: Marilyn <marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: photography I am interested in knowing what purposes all of you feel photography serves, and especially interested in knowing those purposes beyond earning a living.""""""'