>>>Dear Colleagues, What if I want it today?>>> If you Google "Giga Pixel" (try saying that three times) you will find a number of links. One bothersome story often reported is "the GigaPixel Project." The problem is, the camera is old tech and uses 9 x 18 inch aerial film -or plates; and a Russian spy camera; or camera backs, depending on the web site you visit to read the story.
It is not a purely digital system, so in my view, the project is misnamed and misleading. The person(s) behind the GigaPixel project also uses a Leitz GeoScanner, quite costly.
I can say that 9 inch film is wonderful stuff. Granted, not likely to be used by many.
From this web site (NOT the aforementioned gigaPixel site): http://www.cliffordross.com/R1/R1-BPSpaper.html
"Clifford Ross uses his patented R1 camera to capture landscape images on Kodak aerial film. This one-of-a-kind camera uses large format (9 in. x 18in.) negatives, which are then scanned at high resolution Ross and his technical team then manipulate the resulting digital file with Adobe Photoshop running on Apple computers. The process of building adjustment layers can boost the size of the working file to 22 gigabytes. Over the course of six months, the image is painstakingly massaged into final form. Twelve to fourteen full-scale proofs are printed on Kodak Endura chromogenic paper with an Oce Lightjet laser printer. The final result is displayed in a unique framing system of Rossâ design, which allows intimate and satisfying perusal of the finest details in the image The frame systems include the largest sheets of non-reflective glass ever made, manufactured by Tru-Vue to his specifications, minimizing distracting reflections across the entire image. " Bob ...
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