<<The 35mm shooters have definately been tempted to digital for the very reason 35mm existed in the first place - convenience, but there was always a gap between convenience and quality.. that gaps just getting a bit wider>> Karl That is very very true. The best digitial "35mm" cameras are quite high resolution and *can* save images as raw. But the vast majority of (non-quality driven) shooters opt for jpeg. Simply, they can get 1000 images on a 1 gig card that way (cf only ca 50 ? raws). Doublethink is a powerful thing though: the convenience so outweighs the quality that before long the quality no longer mattered. There is no (visible) loss. It's gone beyond denial, it's faith. Indeed, I can quite honestly say that without my reading glasses on I can't tell the difference between the output of a 1M-pixel camera and a large format print at A4 size ;o) Bob -- Whatever you Wanadoo: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/ This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more at: http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm