>>>Only for the next couple years, however. The schools are all up to date with teaching PS the same way they got up to date on teaching darkroom. Understanding that PS began by mimicking the darkroom will become less and less relevant as PS utterly and compeltely eliminates any other form of image prep. And I agree with you that film will cease to be the basic mode of image getting very, very soon. One more Christmas gift season and the jig is up for film.>>> I humbly suggest, and please take no offense, but . . . I do not think you know what you are talking about. Every time someone proclaims the death of film, I laugh. Film will not go away. Not anytime soon. Its use will diminish, but it will be here for years to come. Some boutique manufacturer will start producing what is currently lacking in the marketplace. For example, there is now a manufacturer of matrix film because a tiny fraction of users want it. I would bet that are no dye transfer producers on this list because dye transfer is difficult to do properly, it takes time, and it is costly. Certainly not the business model we see these days; that is to say, the typical photographer that wants the image fast and ever changing due to computer manipulation. They also provide Cirkit films. I feel confident in saying that this is a material no one on this list has any experience with. In some ways, these small manufacturers are like Kodak in that they (apparently) do not really care if the market is tiny and the potential for profit is not as great as the new Kodak requires. Remember, at one time, Kodak kept film available for cameras that were discontinued decades ago. They believed that their customers were important and so what if the profits were not there. Finally, there are more view camera makers today than there were ten years ago. There are more specialty camera makers these days than there were ten years ago Some of these cameras are works of art and as well made as any Nikon or Cannon is. Do not toss that Beseler yet. Bob ... Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com |