Gallery at Tin Bales My first reaction to this was that it's reminiscent of a crumbling wall that's been 'given the treatment' by the local graffiti artists with little daubs of paint and artistry. The dark bottom right corner adding to the effect by giving the feeling the wall ends there and bricks below have already fallen. Nice abstract potential, I image there's also some good macro potential there. Omani Boatman I'd have preferred slightly more width, to include all of the boat, and maybe slightly less at the bottom of the water. Nevertheless those points don't detract from the interest and detail. I like the subtle diversity of 'ancient and modern the 'punting pole' and modern engine. Rachel, 11 months A wonderful idea for a project and also a gift for Rachel and her parents to treasure in the future. She's clearly learned to pose beautifully already too. There's a plugin available called 'Virtual Photographer' and, as yet, free from Opticverve labs. It does configurable B/W coversions with a wide range of options for grain, different film, ASA etc. I'm not very knowledgeable about the best ways of using all the options myself but I've seen some good results from one or two Pros. If you'd like to give it a try the d/l is at Brent Great shot of an interesting looking character. Good lighting, lots of detail seen on his face and clothing - warm colours with well blended background. My favourite for this week. City Lights This one has grown on me a little more as I've studies it over the past couple of days. The sides fold in to contain the city but not too far to make it feel claustrophobic. The composition, with the cranes and the details in the sky, give an impression of the ever changing building, bustle and noise of city life. David Small - Gates. I look forward to seeing the shot of meditators. I've seen quite a few Gate pictures posted in various places - most of them with a friend or relative stiffly posing and grinning beneath an orange shower curtain. I'm pleased to say yours does NOT fall into that category - the shadows on the orange add to the interest and that lens flare(?) + the meditators appeals to this jaded 'Swingin' London Child of the 60s' - cool man. :-) B/W Gates - Mark Harris I like the composition - frames the Gates nicely imho. I also followed your link and thoroughly enjoyed looking through the various shots. A rather nice representation of the overall effect and atmosphere. County Fair 1988 A little too dark. I'd have liked to see more detail of the people in the scene. Fishing Nets Very appealing and peaceful picture. Nicely composed showing the various textures, held together with the wall top and bottom. Very nice presentation too with the frame working well to complement the image. Flower Shop at Morden Lovely colours. I like the way this is processed because it conveys movement, the way we glance at people and shops as we hurry by and retain only a fleeting image in our mind. We usually remember only some fragments of the scene - eg the flower shop, but what lies either side of the shop is a blank .... as reflected in the framing here. Polly