:> Flower Shop at Morden :> Lovely colours. I like the way this is processed because it conveys :> movement, the way we glance at people and shops as we hurry by and retain :> only a fleeting image in our mind. We usually remember only some :> fragments :> of the scene - eg the flower shop, but what lies either side of the shop :> is :> a blank .... as reflected in the framing here. :> :> :> Polly :> Thank you for your favourable comments. I now cannot carry a heavy camera so a pocket compact has to do. And I like it. I just pick it out of my shirt pocket and point and shoot. All my attention is in the subject, except for the minor problem of the dial slipping round too easily (that's the software camera selection dial). My environment is very much a city and the "country" is a while away. But I go out of the city quite often. I suppose there are little flower shops in America? Not seen any here! Chris.