Thanks! I've been to dp review and Ken Rockwells, but I haven't checked out Thom Hogan's. You are right, I am starting to drive myself crazy second guessing this stuff. I was set on the D70 until my friend had mentioned the fragility of it. I also liked the looks of the ones with the battery grip. At least I have that option now with the D70. So, I think I'll go with the D70.
Funny you should mention that. Some prefer the D70 with no grip since
it's lighter and easier to carry on assignment. Most grips are there
for extra battery capacity but the D70's battery lasts and lasts so
it's not an issue. I do love grips because I have big hands so I was
always a little bent that one was not available for the D70. That
changed this week when third party Harbortronics introduced a grip for
the D70 - you can read about it here: Bottom line on it is that for
$165 you can have the comfort of a grip and power of a 2nd battery and
for about $400 total, you can buy the grip plus modify your D70 to have
the ability to use the grip as a portrait orientation shutter release.
A little expensive but still cheaper than a D100 set up the same way or
any other unit for that matter.
I second the advice to check out Thom Hogan's site, do a little review
site homework and make your decision. There is also a good review and
terrific forum-based support at
Much more shopping around and you'll drive yourself crazy and always be
second guessing. In the great scheme of the camera world, $900 is not
that much money for a body and you'll at least be in the DSLR game.